Category: Testamonial

  • Student quote

    Participating in this contest made me realize that even the smallest voices can speak out for change. I am very shy, but this program has given me a voice I can’t usually vocalize. I am glad I was able to create art that can speak for others.” – Participant

  • Teacher Quote 2

    I want to reach out and share with you that your video presentation in our English classes saved a life today. A student had a plan and was ready to act on that plan. They saw the video in class yesterday and learned about the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline/988. They said that they did not…

  • Teacher Testamonial

    We spent a lot of time in my class going over the curriculum and talking about mental illness and suicide prevention as we prepared out submissions for the Directing Change program. I later learned that one student participant noticed warning signs in a friend and talked to a trusted adult. The student said that everything…